Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kindle vs. Nook - for the needs of a college student-

I'm a college student and the majority of my reading is through articles posted online (to Blackboard if you're familiar). So my e-reader wouldn't solely be for the common purpose of always purchasing and reading published books (although clearly I would be doing that as well). Right now it looks like the Kindle would be my choice over the nook because it has better PDF reading capabilities- as well as word documents. Also I want to be able to either hook it up and load the readings through my PC or download them on the reader itself- which would only be possible through the Kindle because the Nook has no browser (even though it has Wifi). However I do like that the Nook is on android and grants the option of using GoogleBooks, especially those that are free.

Could someone make sure I'm evaluating this correctly and that for my purposes, the Kindle is probably my best bet?

Reply 1 : Kindle vs. Nook - for the needs of a college student-

I went and checked one out last weekend. The looks are top notch, but the interface is inconsistent and s-l-o-w. Its either incredibly underpowered or this thing was literally pushed out the door 6 months too early. I advise you to go to a B&N and check one out before you decide. it was at the top of my list before and now its out of the running.

The Kindle is no wonder of modern interface design either but it does seem about twice as fast as the Nook and has a pretty straightforward navigational system.

Reply 2 : Kindle vs. Nook - for the needs of a college student-

Frankly I'm unsure how useful it would be over a laptop or some netbook in that setting.

Reply 3 : Kindle vs. Nook - for the needs of a college student-

I would hold off on an ebook reader until you get a chance to check out the iPad which is a bit more versatile for your needs. It going on sale in a couple of months.

Just a thought.


Reply 4 : Kindle vs. Nook - for the needs of a college student-

okay, seriously, has anyone of you done your research? First, both Kindle and the Nook has PDF ability, as well as being able to access your materials through your PC and Ipod Touch. Yes, the Nook is slow. But think seriously before you purchase, either of these three. The Ipad does not have the speacial screen to help with eye-strain. I too am in school and I read PDFs from professor all the time; ones with over 40 pages. After reading for two hours on the computers my head is about explode. Thus, why I am looking at the Kindle and Nook. I can not decide between the two, as I don't like the color screen at the bottom of the Nook, its too distracting. Plus, the Kindle has note taking ability, which I am trying to research to see if the Nook has too? My only problem with Kindle is there is no story to test it to see. In the end these two are about the same size, holds just as many books, are both wireless with great stores to purchase from. So it comes down to minor detail! Just research, before you pay $250! OH, yeah did you see how much the Ipad is going to be?

Also, Googlebook does not have much to offer that is a full book for free!

Reply 5 : Kindle vs. Nook - for the needs of a college student-

I am waiting for the mailman right now, delivering my Nook Color this morning. It has been "rooted" with Android, loaded with lots of Android apps, AND has a Kindle app loaded too, so I can get the best of everything. PDF's are fine on the Nook.

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