I got my M11x R1 (C2D 1.3Ghz U7300) a little over a week ago (16th), and as soon as I took it out of the box, I noticed a couple of things. When closed, the right side is not completely closed, there is a pretty decent gap between the screen and the base. When opened, there is a pretty decent gap between the screen and the base too (about twice as much as on the left side - hinge issue?). The touchpad buttons are super loose, the right one is pressed inside on the right side of it (when you click on that right side of it, it won't work, have to click on the left side, or in middle, but have to put some pressure to get it to work). On top of that, the upper right corner of the screen itself is sticking out a little out of the base (I tried pushing it in, but won't go back in). These things didn't bother me at first, but they started to bother me now.
Also, whenever I enable the overclock in BIOS to 1.7Ghz, after about 10 minutes of use, I get the BSOD error, and my system restarts, and that keeps happening all the time unless I disable the overclock back to 1.3Ghz, which runs without any issues. I noticed some people run the overclock without any issues, and some have same BSOD issue as well. Is there something wrong with any of the hardware inside? or is it something else? Because I heard different stories with that.
With all that said, do you guys think I can tackle Dell/Alienware to get a new replacement ? Anyone had any similar issues?
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