Sunday, December 26, 2010

New computer wont start up properly?

Okay so i bought a computer from ibuypower and i just got it. I decided to make sure it worked by just plugging in the power and starting it up. The lights turned on, fans started churning and it looked fine so i turned it off by pressing the power button again. I then plugged it into my moniter and started it up again. This time it did the same thing as it did wihtout the moniter but nothing showed up on the screen, I waited about a minute and still nothing happened. I tried again and same thing. So i tried it with my new moniter and same thing so i know it is not the moniter. I then decided to take a look inside the cmomputer. So i took off the side pannel and looked inside (dont worry i didnt touch the mobo or anything) and i notied there were a few cables that were not plugged in nbut i did not see any obvious locations to plug them into. One of them was coming from the graphics card and another one had "SATA: written on it. Could someone please help me? I have pictures if you want them, just email me at


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